
Professor Paulo Gentil publica três novos artigos

Confira as mais recentes publicações deste professor

Gentil, Paulo; Steele, James ; Pereira, Maria C. ; Castanheira, Rafael P.M. ; Paoli, Antonio ; Bottaro, Martim . Comparison of upper body strength gains between men and women after 10 weeks of resistance training. PEERJ, v. 4, p. e1627, 2016. FI: 2,112

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Gentil, P; Ferreira-Junior, João B. ; Soares, Saulo Rodrigo Sampaio ; Martorelli, A. S. ; Bottaro, M. ; Cadore, E. L. ; Loenneke, J. P. . Effects of periodic and continuous resistance training on muscle strength in detrained women. Perceptual and Motor Skills, p. 810-821, 2015. FI: 0,546

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Gentil, P. A nutrition and conditioning intervention for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: observations and suggestions. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, v. 12, p. 50, 2015.FI: 1,908

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