
Main objective

- To develop and educate high-level professionals to work in higher education teaching, scientific research, and the production of new knowledge in Nutrition and Health.


Specific objectives

- To educate professionals who contribute to scientific development in Nutrition and Health in aspects involving nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention, food and nutritional security and food science, valuing the interface of knowledge in relation to health promotion and the reduction of risk and/or treatment of Nutrition-related diseases.

- To create and consolidate research lines in areas related to Nutrition and Health and to regional and national development.

- To develop integration actions with research activities since graduation.


Graduate profile

The Graduate Program in Nutrition and Health of the Federal University of Goias (PPGNUT/UFG) prioritizes the development of researchers in Nutrition and Health with ethical, humanistic and critical profiles, to work with teaching, research, in the production of scientific and technological knowledge and in technical-scientific development, considering the Nutrition fields of study and research. Taking into account the pedagogical and scientific design of the PPGNUT/UFG, according to the academic board, research lines and projects, subjects and other academic activities, the competence profile of the graduate refers to the knowledge and practices in nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention, food and nutrition security and food science, highlighting the interface of the health promotion-related knowledge, disease risk reduction and/or treatment of Nutrition-related diseases.




Nutritional Diagnosis and Intervention

Studies involving clinical, dietary, genetic/genomic, anthropometric, and biochemical indicators in health and disease, with an emphasis on food and nutrition, as well as in physical exercise. Application of intervention strategies to in vitro studies, animal models, and humans, to contribute to the reduction of health risk factors, to the treatment of diseases and to the improvement of physical and sports performance.


Food and Nutrition Security and Food Science

Studies involving policies, programs and projects in food, nutrition, and health, with an emphasis on nutritional problems. Studies on food quality in different food systems, aiming at health and technological applications.